The driver profiles are stored in Carrier TMSfor users to assign to trucks and trailers and store information related to drivers. This article will cover how to add a driver in Carrier TMS. If you would like to import drivers' details to Carrier TMS, please see the Drivers Bulk Import article.
To add a new driver:
1. On your left dashboard, go to Fleet > Drivers
2. On the drivers’ list page, click on the top right corner.
3. Enter in the driver’s information:
- Name - required
- Company Name - information is stored
- Email - required for dispatching load to the driver and sending driver’s statement via email
KeepTruckin: HOS (Hours of Service) is synced in Carrier TMS based on the driver's email address.
- Primary Phone Number - required for dispatching load to the driver via text
Samsara: HOS (Hours of Service) is synced in Carrier TMS based on the driver's phone and number format.
- Secondary Phone Number - information is stored
- Hire Date - information is stored
- Address Information - information is stored
- Social Security Number - information is stored
- Fleet ID - hours of service sync
- Truck Number - information is stored
- Trailer Number - information is stored
- Pay per Mile - automatically calculates on driver’s statements and assigned loads
- Percentage Pay - automatically calculates on driver’s statements and assigned loads
- Tax Bracket - 1099 (contract) or W2 (employee)
- Owner Operator - information is stored
- Receives Per Diem - automatically calculates on driver’s statements. The per diem amount is set under the Organisation settings.
- Notes - information is stored
4. Optional: To upload driver documents, please review the “How do I add a document to a driver, truck, or trailer?” article.
5. Accounting: Add the driver’s deductions and/or bonuses. The charges and/or additional payments will automatically be calculated on the driver’s statement. Please see the Driver’s statement article (pending).
6. Accounting: Driver’s receipts can manually be uploaded to the system or by the driver’s ELD. Please see below for related articles on how to upload driver receipts via ELD.
7. Click to save the driver's details.
Related Articles:
How do I activate or deactivate a driver’s profile?
Samsara Integration (pending)
Keep Truckin Integration (pending)