Carrier TMS safety features allow users to store drivers, trucks, and trailer documents in one platform and set alerts for expiring documents to ensure they comply with federal and state regulations to avoid penalties and fines and keep up to date with truck/trailer maintenance.
This article will cover:
- Adding/updating a driver, truck, or trailer document
- Viewing/deleting document revisions
- Document expiration date statuses and alerts
To add a document to a driver/truck/trailer:
1. Select the driver, truck, or trailer you would like to add a document.
2. On the driver, truck, or trailer’s profile, select Documents
3. Click
4. Select from the list of system and custom documents.
5. Fill out required and/or optional fields.
6. Click
To update a document on driver/truck/trailer:
1. On the driver, truck, or trailer’s documents page, select the document and click + Add Document Name
2. Fill out required and/or optional fields.
3. Click
To view document revisions:
On the driver, truck, or trailer’s documents page, select the document and click Revision History
All revisions made to the document will be listed on the Revision History page, including when the document was updated and which user updated the document.
To delete document revisions:
Click on the icon next to the revision.
Document Expiration Status:
Users will have visibility to the expiration status and deadline of a driver, truck, or trailer document when the Expiry Date w/ Alert field is added to the document with a date.
The red status indicates that the document will expire within the next seven days or less
The green status indicates that the document is still valid
In addition, once a document is about to expire, an alert will trigger on the driver, truck, or trailer page.
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